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Free coaching?

This site is designed to be an online brochure that I have directed people to.

These will be people with whom I have had personal contact, who cannot afford to pay for coaching and who, on the basis of our connection/conversation, I am willing to offer some free coaching to.


Some years ago I retired. I was certified as a life coach, by the Co-active Training Institute, 21 years ago. For over 30 years I was also a freelance management and personal development consultant/trainer/facilitator. Many of my coaching clients came via that work, and then from referrals.

In 2010 I moved to the far north of Scotland and over the following 7-8 years that work gradually decreased - and so, eventually, did my coaching work. By then, I was 72. I still loved coaching but I had never needed to do any active marketing & had no desire to start doing so. Retiring was not so much a decision as a gradual process. I continued with some pro bono work and was invited to step into the role of an 'elder' at various events

During those years, and particularly during the Covid years, I engaged much more with the news than I had previously done. I eventually realised that for my life to continue to feel meaningful, I needed to do something to help, and hopefully reduce, all the suffering. I am not an ‘out on the streets’ activist. My way of ‘being of service’, of activism, is my 1-1 coaching work. And I realised I still had a lot to offer.

In 2022, at the age of 76, I decided to 'unretire'. But!! I discovered that there are now about 100,000 life coaches in the UK! They have blogs and podcasts and run online workshops and ..... I realised I would have to spend large amounts of time marketing/promoting myself on social media. I gave it a go! And after some months decided that what I wanted to do with the rest of my "one wild and precious life" (Mary Oliver) was to coach - not market.

So now, I intend to work only with a few people at a time as my continuing way of contributing.













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